This section of the website is designed to keep you informed about the progress made on the final remediation of the site. 

Updated September 30, 2022

On September 30, 2022, the Alberta government released an update regarding the remediation efforts at the former Domtar site in northeast Edmonton.

Using site-specific remediation criteria outlined in the Ministerial Order, Cherokee have developed remediation and risk management plans to address the identified contamination. Remediation plans are applicable to Parcel Y (the former Domtar facility), and risk management plans and long-term monitoring plans are applicable to the berm and greenspace along the CN railway (Parcel X, Parcel C berm, Parcel Y berm and the greenbelt behind the Overlanders community). 

The Alberta government has approved the remediation, risk management and long-term monitoring plans for Cherokee. Remediation was started in the fall of 2022 on Parcel Y and will continue into 2023. 

The Alberta government confirmed that additional assessment or remediation are not required within the Verte Homesteader community (Parcel C).

Cherokee continues to work with the Alberta government, independent technical experts, and the Office of the Chief Scientist to ensure that all approved plans and activities on the site comply with the applicable site-specific and provincial standards for the protection of human and environmental health, and that all required properties are remediated to the applicable site-specific and provincial standards.


Remediation and Reclamation (Parcel Y): The remedial excavation activities began in September 2022 and are expected to be completed in Spring 2023. The excavation operations consist of removing contaminated soils that are unsuitable for risk management and transporting them to an approved landfill. Soil testing is being conducted to confirm the removal of contaminated soil before backfilling operations begin. 

Risk Management and Long-Term Monitoring (Parcel X, Parcel C Berm and Parcel Y): Risk management of residual contamination is allowed if it can be managed in place without causing adverse effects to human health or the environment. Contamination below the recreational areas of the bermed soils and greenbelt areas is considered manageable at this site without causing adverse effect.

Engineering controls, such as separating surface soils from contaminated soils, as well as administrative controls, are being utilized to ensure that soil is not disturbed without sufficient oversight.

Throughout the implementation of the risk management plans, field personnel would access monitoring wells at various times over the coming years on the berm and greenbelt areas. Groundwater and soil vapour samples would be collected and analyzed to provide assurance that risks are properly managed. If the sampling reveals unexpected concentrations of contaminants, the risk management plan mandates corrective actions prior to exposure concerns.

As part of our commitment to keeping residents informed, Cherokee maintains a timeline of action items as project milestones are reached. See the chart below for updates.

Updated September 15, 2022

On September 14, 2022 Alberta Environment and Parks approved the Long Term Monitoring Plan

Updated September 8, 2022

Reclamation and Remediation Plan and Risk Management Plan added to chart

Updated September 5, 2022

On June 6, 2022 Alberta Environment and Parks approved the Reclamation and Remediation Plan . This was followed by the approval of the Risk Management Plan on July 21, 2022. Cherokee is currently awaiting the final comments from AEP on the proposed Long-Term Monitoring Program, which will be used to support the Risk Management Plan

Updated December 13, 2021

The Government of Alberta’s Ministry of Environment and Parks (AEP) released information about the criteria for dioxins as it relates to the soil review undertaken by the Alberta Government in the Verte Homesteader neighbourhood 

The Government has set criteria for dioxin levels at 330 parts per trillion (ng/kg). 

Soil testing in the community confirm that  a small percentage of the undeveloped section of Verte Homesteader Community (known as Area “Y”) may be impacted over 330 parts per trillion.

None of the existing recently developed residential community Area “C” contains soil exceeding 330 parts per trillion (ng/kg).  

Although a December 15 deadline was established by AEP, Cherokee has already submitted a Remediation Plan in November and a Risk and Management Plan in early December. Once these plans are approved by the AEP, Cherokee will move quickly with the small amount of remediation required.  Given limitations imposed by winter, it is Cherokee’s hope the site will be ready for final remediation and residential development in 2022.”.

Site Clean Up

With the announcement of the criteria, Cherokee can now return to the community to undertake a site cleanup, including the establishment of a regular grass cutting and weed control program.  More information including dates and details about the clean-up plans will be announced in the coming weeks.

Updated May 19, 2020

Significant work has been completed as Cherokee continues to collaborate with government to satisfy requirements under the Minister’s Order and establishing clean-up plans. The Site Specific Risk Assessment (SSRA) and the Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) were submitted to Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) and to the Chief Scientist. AEP issued a letter on April 7, 2020 stating that these requirements of the Minister’s Order have now been satisfied. Please see the attached letter.

The Site Specific Remediation Criteria (SSRC) have not yet been confirmed. Once the SSRC are agreed upon, the Remediation Plan and the Risk Management Plan can be finalized and submitted to AEP for review. Although COVID-19 has caused some disruption, Cherokee is working to advance the project expeditiously. It is currently hoped that the remediation work can be completed later in the summer of 2020.


UPDATED September 30, 2022

Develop and implement a temporary dust control planCOMPLETE - A dust control plan has been in place since May 2018 with Alberta Health Services. There have been no dust issues at the property. The plan is primarily for times when there is no activity on the site as it is activity that typically generates dust.
Submit Dust Control ProgramCOMPLETE (ONGOING) - In May, the dust control plan was submitted to Alberta Environment and Protected Areas (EPA), formerly Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) and confirmed by the Ministry in July. The dust control program is phased. During periods of limited site activity, there is a regular monthly inspection of the site conditions to assess vegetation quality and identify areas where dust generation may become an issue if not addressed. During periods of higher site activity, there are daily inspections of the work areas to ensure that the activities are not increasing the potential for dust generation. During remedial activities, where soil disturbance will be required, the dust control program will also include active monitoring of air quality and dust suppression.
Submit the plan to determine the edges of the contamination (Delineation Plan*)COMPLETE - Delineation plans were submitted for Parcels X, C and Y on June 10, 2019. The field assessment activities were conducted in July and August. Although submitted, the plans have yet to be confirmed as complete, as they were dependent on the dioxin and furan guidelines which Cherokee has worked with AEP to establish. Additional assessment activities were proposed as part of the accepted Risk Management Plan, which replace the requirements for submission of additional Delineation Plans.
Complete Delineation WorkSUBMITTED - Drilling and sampling were undertaken in July, 2019 on Parcels X, C and Y. Delineation plans were submitted to Environment and Parks on August 9, 2019. Delineation reports containing the test hole logs, location plans and chemical analysis were submitted to Alberta Environment and Parks in August. Supplemental delineation work was done but has yet to be confirmed as complete, as it was dependent on the dioxin and furan guidelines which Cherokee has worked with AEP to establish. The additional assessment proposed as part of the Risk Management Plan will be conducted upon completion of the Parcel Y remedial activities in Spring 2023, and reported as part of the formal Risk Management Plan.
Submit Conceptual Site Model (CSM)COMPLETE - The CSM is a living document that shows where the contaminants are located both horizontally and vertically on the property. The CSM was initially provided on May 15, 2019 and was updated with additional data on September 6, 2019. The requirement to provide the CSM within 180 days has been satisfied.
We anticipate that future CSM updates will be managed as part of the formal Risk Management Plan as new data becomes available.
Submit Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA)COMPLETE - One of the main purposes of the Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) was to set the Site Specific Remediation Criteria (SSRC) for dioxins and furans. Alberta Environment and Parks and the Chief Scientist have conducted their review and AEP has issued a letter advising this requirement of the Minister’s Order has been satisfied.HHRA Report - Residential Areas
HHRA Report - Parkland Areas

Submit Site Specific Risk Assessment (SSRA) COMPLETE - The Site Specific Risk Assessment (SSRA) covers human and ecological considerations for the site. Alberta Environment and Parks and the Chief Scientist have conducted their review and Alberta Environment and Parks has issued a letter advising this requirement of the Minister’s Order has been satisfied. SSRA Report - Residential Areas
SSRA Report - Parkland Areas
Submit Reclamation & Remediation PlanCOMPLETE - A draft Remediation Plan for Parcel Y was submitted to AEP in March, 2019 and a revised version was submitted on September 21, 2019. Cherokee submitted an updated Reclamation and Remediation Plan to AEP in November 2021. Following confirmation of the dioxin guidelines and receipt of AEP technical comments, the Reclamation and Remediation Plan was finalized in May 2022. Cherokee received approval of the Final RAP from AEP in June 2022. RAP Reclamation and Remediation Plan
Submit Risk Management Plan COMPLETE – A draft Risk Management Plan for Parcel X, Parcel C Berm, Parcel Y Berm and Parcel Y Recreational Area was submitted to AEP in November 2021. Following confirmation of the dioxin guidelines and receipt of AEP technical comments, the Risk Management Plan was finalized in June 2022. Cherokee received approval of the Final RMP from AEP in July 2022.Risk Management Plan

Submit Long Term Monitoring PlanCOMPLETE - The Long Term Monitoring Plan for the parts of the site that will remain under risk management (Parcel X, Parcel C Berm, Parcel Y Berm and Parcel Y Recreational Area) was incorporated into the Risk Management Plan as the two are interconnected. The final RMP was submitted to AEP in June 2022. Cherokee received approval of the Long Term Monitoring Plan in September 2022.
Complete Remediation workIN PROGRESS - Cherokee had hoped to have completed full remediation by the end of November, 2019, however this work was dependent on the confirmation of guidelines for furans and dioxins which were announced December 10, 2021. Now that the RAP and RMP have been accepted by AEP, the remedial program has commenced and is anticipated to be completed by the Spring of 2023.
Submit Delineation Plans for Verte HomesteaderCOMPLETE- The delineation plan for Verte Homesteader (Parcel C Berm portion) was submitted to AEP on June 10, 2019. Confirmation of this plan depended on the Site Specific Remediation Criteria (SSRC) for dioxins and furans.
Additional assessment activities were proposed as part of the accepted Risk Management Plan, which replace the requirements for additional delineation or submission of an additional Delineation Plan.
Complete Delineation for Verte HomesteaderSUBMITTED - The delineation work for the Parcel C Berm, located adjacent to the Verte Homesteader community was completed in July and submitted to AEP in August, 2019. The work was dependent on the dioxin and furan guidelines which Cherokee has worked with Alberta Environment and Parks to establish.
AEP has confirmed that no additional assessment work is required within the Verte Homesteader community. Additional assessment within the adjacent Parcel C Berm proposed as part of the Risk Management Plan will be conducted upon completion of the Parcel Y remedial activities in Fall 2022. No separate delineation work is required. AEP has confirmed that no additional assessment is required within the Parcel C Residential Area.
Submit Remediation Plans for Verte HomesteaderCOMPLETE - The remediation plan for Verte Homesteader was submitted on April 18, 2019, and remediation of a small area in the northeast corner of the parkette was carried out in August 2019. Confirmation of the plan and completion of the remediation depended on the Site Specific Remediation Criteria (SSRC) for dioxins and furans.
AEP has subsequently issued a decision confirming that no additional assessment or remediation is required within the Verte Homesteader community. Additional assessment for the Parcel C Berm noted above will be managed under the accepted Risk Management Plan.
Complete Remediation for Verte HomesteaderCOMPLETE - A small area of soil in the northeast corner of the parkette was excavated and backfilled proactively by Cherokee while awaiting finalization of the dioxin guidelines. Soil samples were submitted and analysed at a laboratory. Following determination of the dioxin guidelines, AEP has confirmed that no additional remediation is required within the Verte Homesteader community.

* Delineation – find the edges of contamination which exceed Tier 1 or 2 guidelines.

For Albertans seeking specific information on the Ministerial Order and accompanying environmental protection orders, read the Alberta EAB Report and Recommendations – February 26, 2019 (PDF, 12.6 MB).

Preliminary Conceptual Site Map

UPDATED September 30, 2022